Sunday, February 28, 2010

Colt's Hairstyles

Colt is way overdue for his first haircut. I keep putting it off, but we will probably get it cut sometime this week. I thought I would take a look back at some of his many hairstyles.

The Combover

The Bald Head

The Mohawk

And my favorite, The Pauly D!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Home Alone

So Wey has been gone for two whole weeks working in Oklahoma. They had a big ice storm that knocked out power to 200,000 people. I was going to post about this before and thought maybe I shouldn't because maybe there is some crazy stalker person out there who reads my blog and now that he knows its just me and Colt at home he might come try to break in our house. I have a wild imagination sometimes and I realize probably not more than three people read this blog. Haha! Wey should be home soon. Anyways I wanted to post some pictures he sent me that he toke with his phone.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

One more thing

I meant to include this in the last post, but I forgot. I had to share this video. On the 23rd when we got together with my family for Christmas we played Wii fit. Here is a video of Ricky doing the Hula Hoop exercise. Enjoy!

Merry Christmas

Better late than never, right? I am really embaressed at how late I am with this post. Colt's first Christmas was a good one even though I'm pretty sure he didn't really know what was going on. Wey got called to work on Christmas Eve at about 9am. He didn't get home until 3am!!! We were able to spend Christmas Day together. On the 23rd we opened our big family present. Here is a video of Colt opening it.

Ok, it was really more for Mom and Dad (and also the reason why I have no excuse not to blog) but don't worry, Colt got PLENTY of presents. Here is a picture of him with all of his presents from Mom and Dad.

Here he is opening some of his other presents.